Little Red Riding Hood Indestructible Book 7856

Hello, I’ve had a copy of this book in the family for many years, and it doesn’t seem to be listed in the catalogues, does anyone have any information on it please? Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

@ASCS Welcome to the forum!

Does the back of the book have a number on it?

I’m sure we can provide any information like value, but there are many other similar books on our sites:

Thank you for your message, yes the book does have a number on the back, it is 7856.
I’ve seen the similar ones in the catalogue, only not Little Red Riding Hood.
Look forward to hearing from you.

@ASCS can you scan the back so I want upload your book to our site?

Hello again, I’ve included pictures with my original post, I assume they are ok?
The book is part of the indestructible series.
At present I can’t find any reference to the book anywhere and was hoping that this forum could help me. Thank you

@ASCS I’ve added your book here:

looks like it belongs in this set:

The other books may provider additional information.

Thanks, do you have any idea how many were published at the time, roughly how many are still in circulation or what they are worth now?

Best way to find out what they are worth is it take the information about each book and search eBay.

Thank you, and any idea how many were published at the time, roughly how many are still in circulation?

Sorry I can’t help you on those two.

Ok thank you, glad we were able to help expand the information on the webpage.