Caption error - Typo

Individually numbered card 2395 does not show in search as the H in Llanthony has been omitted

@Runge can you narrow it down a bit for me:

If you enter Llanthony Abbey in search it does not “catch” individual numbered card 2395. This is because there is an H missing in the heading.for this card

@justintanner & @Runge, by sheer coincidence I was looking at another card in the MONMOUTHSHIRE, COUNTY set which also has an incorrect TuckDB title.

I hadn’t spotted the TuckDB typo on the Llanthony Abbey cards until I read this thread. The cards are:

The card I was looking at has a TuckDB title of TINTERN ABBEY but the image is of RAGLAN CASTLE.

Tuck hasn’t given the card above a title but the image is the same image used on

which Tuck has titled.

@Runge my bad, I figured it out now, added a comment, those cards should show up now.

@GoranMaw also fixed the RAGLAN CASTLE card as well.